About Arthur Hudson Site Engineers Ltd
Arthur Hudson Site Engineers Limited who are celebrating their 11th year in business, are a professional and reliable company who are committed to delivering a high quality service to our clients throughout the UK. We are experienced site engineers specialising in the alignment of steel framed buildings as well as offering services in civils, setting out, topographical elevation and building surveys.
Our director Nick Fairhurst first became involved in steel erecting whilst working weekends for his father who had his own steel erecting firm. Working his way up through the trade, Nick progressed from steel erector to engineer, supervisor and site manager.
An opportunity was spotted to supply engineers who would work closely with the steel erectors and be able to understand the tolerances and practical aspects of lining up steel framed buildings. From this Arthur Hudson was formed in 2006. Since then we have worked on some of the UK's largest projects, including the Etihad Football Stadium, The Shard, Cannon Street Station, The Titanic Signature building in Belfast, and certain aspects of the Olympic Park.
The company has invested in the latest equipment and each engineer has a Leica Total Station and laptop which enable them to carry our site surveys and download the data to produce as built drawings on site.
Site Engineering
Using Total Stations we can carry out:
Site surveys of existing buildings to allow draughtsmen to design new extensions
Pre-start site survey of holding down bolts and concrete levels
Concrete cores to ensure all pockets and embedment plates are in the correct positions
Survey embedment plates which give all the dimensions required so fin plates can be cut to the right length, correctly positioned and welded to the embedment plate
Survey the erected steelwork for plumb, line & level and then supervise the repositioning if required to ensure that the steelwork is within the tolerances set out in the national steelwork specification.
Surveys for pre-cast concrete stairs, panels and edge trim
Provision of specialist on-site fabrication and welding crews that provide all equipment to modify the steel to conform to the latest drawings
Using the latest software we are able to plot the survey results directly on to DWG type drawings to produce accurate professional “as built drawings” that can then be submitted for handover to the main contractor.
Arthur Hudson are experienced at working with erectors to solve problems during the steel phase & ensure that follow on trades are able to progress i.e. deckers /stud welders etc.
Along with our comprehensive range of engineering services, we can also cater to your surveying needs and now offer the following:
GPS Surveys
Setting Out Services
Measured Steel Frame Surveys
Our surveys are tailored to specific client requests, whether it is a single housing plot or a larger commercial development.
Using our latest Leica technology, a one man robotic total station, we can collect 3 dimensional coordinated data that we use to create 2D and 3D graphical representations of the area.
Surveys are produced using AutoCAD and N4CE. We can provide survey drawings in a wide range of software formats, including: DWG, DFX or PDF.
All crews carry relevant safety certification for working on-site.
View a copy of our Employers Liability Insurance
View a copy of our insurance certificate
View a copy of our Environmental Statement
View a copy of our Quality policy
View a copy of our Health & Safety Policy
View a copy of our certificate of Registration
COSHH Sheets